You might be offered treatment by post. If this option is not available, we’ll advise you to attend your local sexual health clinic.
You can find details of your local sexual health clinic on the ‘Find a clinic’ section under ‘Sexual Health Support’ tab on The SHL.UK team can help you get seen at the clinic if you’re having difficulty attending for treatment.
- Gonorrhoea and syphilis - These infections cannot be treated with remote postal treatment. We’ll advise you to visit a sexual health clinic because they usually require injectable treatments and further tests will be offered. There is a global problem with gonorrhoea drug resistance, so further tests will be needed to indicate which treatment will work.
- Chlamydia treatment – If you’ve tested positive for chlamydia only and have no symptoms, you can request treatment online through this service. Once your request is approved, you can click and collect your medication from selected pharmacies or choose next day delivery.