PrEP, the preventative HIV drug, is now available from London clinics.

PrEP is a pill you can take to reduce your chances of contracting HIV. You can get more detailed information about PrEP here:

People at risk of acquiring HIV can now access PrEP from a number of NHS-operated sexual health clinics across the capital.

How can I access PrEP?

Contact your local sexual health clinic to arrange an appointment. You can find your local clinic with our Find a Clinic tool. We have also listed the clinics that are offering PrEP appointments below.

Clinics will usually offer a telephone consultation and then book an appointment at the clinic to discuss any recommended vaccinations and health tests as well as arrange your supply of PrEP. Your clinic will recommend you get tested for sexually transmitted infections before your appointment so you can pick up any necessary treatment at your appointment.

Testing for sexually transmitted infections and HIV

If you are considering using PrEP you should register with SHL for regular testing. SHL provide all STI tests recommended for people using PrEP, including hepatitis C. It’s quick and easy to do from the comfort of your home.

Your clinic team will be able to access your results from the secure portal as well as arrange treatment for any infections and regular reviews of your PrEP care.

Where can I get a PrEP appointment?

The following NHS clinics are offering PrEP appointments: